On August 28, 1860, Brownville entered the modern age with the first telegraph in Nebraska Territory. The Brownville telegraph office was in an upstairs room of the Hoadley Building at Main and First. The line came from St. Joseph, Missouri.
The first outgoing telegram was sent to the Associated Press and read: “Brownville, Neb., Aug. 29, 1860. Nebraska Send Greetings to the States: The telegraph line was completed to this place to-day, and the first office in Nebraska formally opened. Our citizens are jubilant over the event, and now realize the advantage of being connected with their Eastern friends and the ‘rest of mankind’ by means of a ‘lightning line.’ Onward!”
Robert W. Furnas, editor of the Nebraska Advertiser and future governor sent a message to the St. Joseph Gazette: “The ADVERTISER send greetings. Give your hand. Hot as blazes; Thermometer 104 in the shade. ‘Whats the News’? R.W. Furnas.”
The first incoming message on the new line was the Gazette’s reply: “We are most happy to return your greeting-The Thermometer is 100 and is rising like h___l—You ask the news-Douglas stock fully up to the Thermometer, and rising as rapidly. St. Joe drinx Nebraska’s health.” Some misspelling but the messages were sent instantly.
To celebrate the event, Brownville threw a large party the next evening, complete with bonfires, music burning gunpowder, speeches, and toasts. Rounds of ammunition were shot-off, one for each of the states, one for Nebraska, and one for the telegraph line (35 in all).
Speeches were given by George H. Nixon and Theodore Hill, the mayor. The celebration came to a close with a parade led by the Brownville brass band. But it was rumored that a barrel of wine was carried up to the telegraph office where an unofficial celebration continued.